
Fendi is an English F1 Mini Goldendoodle. She is OFA Good hips, OFA elbows Normal, Heart OFA Normal, Eyes OFA Normal. vWD, PRA-PRCD clear through parentage. Fendi lives in a guardian home.

Height: 15in Weight: 30lbs

Fendi is the calm dog in my house. She absolutely loves my son, my cats, and my other 2 dogs. Fendi has never been mean to anything in her life. I got her when I knew my Chihuahua( Miley) started declining. Miley welcomed Fendi and that made me know that Fendi would help me along the way. Fendi is definitely a mama's girl. She can give you a very funny side eye when she is pouting. She has brought so much more fun into my house and life. 

-the Montgomery family