

Enola is an F1 Mini Bernedoodle. She is OFA hips Good, OFA elbows Normal, OFA eyes Normal, OFA heart Normal, vWD, PRA-PRCD clear. Enola lives in a guardian home along with Enola’s mom.

Height: 14in Weight: 24lbs

Enola, who we often call Enola Jane, is the baby of the family in every sense of the word. She is spoiled, wants all of the attention and all of the cuddles. She may have come home with her dog mom but it’s her human mom she wants to be close to all the time. We often joke and call her our shadow dog because she is on my heel at every step. When I get home she runs straight to my bed so I can stand next to it and she can give me full hugs and kisses. She is playful and a great friend to our kids. She likes to be close to her people at all times. She loves to go on walks, play fetch and take a good treat into her kennel to enjoy it in peace. She is very smart…and sometimes even a little too smart! We’ve loved challenging her with new tricks and activities and watching her figure them out. We love our baby Enola Jane! -the Fore family

Enola lives with her mom in their guardian home